Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Group Blog: Themes in Ch 1-3

The imagery in chapter one and chapter three play a large role in setting up the themes of the novel. Chapter one focuses on the plight of the dust bowl and the condition of the land. Steinbeck writes, "the surface of the earth crusted, a thin hard crust, and as the sky became pale, so the earth became pale, pink in the red country and white in the gray country." The description of the land sets a tone and paints a picture of the condition of Oklahoma.

The imagery in the first chapter coincides with the symbolism in the third. The third chapter is about a turtle walking down the street, a woman in a car sees him and swerves out of his way, a man in different car also sees him but swerves towards the turtle, knocking it on its back. The turtle is a symbol for the migrant workers and the struggle they face. However, even in the face of adversity,no matter how many people knock them on their backs, the migrant workers get back on their feet and keep going.

The second chapter is all about Tom Joad and his being released from prison. It is not coincidence that his chapter falls between these two. It strategically places him in the middle of the conflict. On one side the land he has worked has turned to dust and produces little to nothing, so he must leave his home. One the other side however, he is faced with serious adversity and people who are out to run him over.

These three chapters work to set up the theme of man's inhumanity to man. The acts against the turtle act as foreshadowing for what is about to come.